XS Instruments

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pH Elektrodları

32200223 pH electrode mod. POLYMER, range pH  0…14, temp. -10…
+80 °C, S7 head, 1 Diaphragm open pore  ( kablosuz )
32200443 pH electrode mod. POLYMER TIP, range pH 0…14, temp.
-10…+80 °C, S7 head, 2 Diaphragm open pore for soil pH measure  ( Kablosuz )  TOPRAK ÖLÇÜMLERİ İÇİN TAVSİYE EDİLİYOR
32200203 pH electrode mod. GEL, range pH  0…14, temp. -10…+60 °C, S7 head, for general application
32200363 pH electrode mod. STANDARD, range pH  0…14, temp. -10…
+100 °C, S7 head, for general application, with serial number and certificate
32200423 pH electrode mod. STANDARD HA, range pH  0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, S7 head, for Minimal alkali error, with serial number and certificate
32200433 pH electrode mod. STANDARD HF, range pH  0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, S7 head, for sample with HF (0,01M/200 mg/l)
32200263 pH electrode mod. STANDARD BNC, range pH 0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, Cable fix / BNC, for general application, with serial number and certificate
32200273 pH electrode mod. STANDARD DIN, range pH 0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, Cable fix / DIN, for general application, with serial number and certificate
32200473 pH electrode mod. STANDARD T-BNC, range pH 0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, Cable fix / BNC, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
32200463 pH electrode mod. STANDARD T DIN, range pH 0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, Cable fix / DIN, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug Banana 4 mm
32200813 G 214 T pH electrode, glass body, temp sensor PT1000 integrated, 2 ceramic diaphargm,  fixed  cable BNC/banana 4 mm. -10…100 °C pH range 0 – 14
32200373 pH electrode mod. FLOW, range pH 0…14, temp. -10…+80
°C, S7 head, for viscous and low ion samples, with serial number and certificate
32200723 pH electrode mod. FLOW Temp BNC , range pH 0…14, temp.
-10…+80 °C,Cable fix / BNC, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch, for viscous low ion samples, with serial number and certificate
32200733 pH electrode mod. FLOW Temp DIN , range pH 0…14, temp.
-10…+80 °C,Cable fix / DIN, with temperature sensor PT 1000 with banana plug, for viscous and low ion samples, with serial number and certificate
32200863 XS Sensor G-221 T – range pH 0…14, temp. -10…+80 °C, fixed cable BNC/banana 4mm, temperature sensor integrated PT 1000, for viscous and low ion samples
32200413 pH electrode mod. FLAT, range pH  0…14, temp. -10…+60 °C, S7 head, for surface measurements e. g. paper
32200383 pH electrode mod. SEMI MICRO, range pH  0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, S7 head, for test tube measurements
32200213 pH electrode mod. MICRO, range pH  0…14, temp.-10…+100
°C, S7 head, Electrolyte KCl 3M, for small volume sample < 2 ml
32200253 pH electrode mod. MICRO P, range pH  0…14, temp. -10…
+100 °C, S7 head, Electrolyte Glycerine KCl 3M, for small volume sample < 2 ml with protein
32200453 pH electrode mod. MICRO SPECIAL, range pH  0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, S7 head, for measure in NMR tube
32200393 pH electrode mod. FOOD, range pH  0…14, temp.
-10…+100 °C, S7 head, Glycerine KCl electrolyte
3220753 XS Sensor Food T BNC range pH  0…14, temp. -10…+100 °C, S7 head, Glycerine KCl electrolyte, Cable fix / BNC, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
32200333 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, S7 head
32200283 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE SLIM, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, S7 head
32200293 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE F, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60
°C, S7 head
32200703 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE F Temp BNC, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
32200713 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE F Temp DIN, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / DIN, with temperature sensor PT 1000 banana plug.
32200823 XS Sensor G 216 T pH electrode plastic body , BNC + banana , PT 1000 temperature probe integrated, range pH 0…14 , temp, 0…+60 °C
32200323 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE T, range pH  0…14, temp.  0…+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
32200243 pH electrode mod. FOOD SLIM, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+100 °C, S7 head
32200403 pH electrode mod. ZAVATRODE, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C,S7 head, for cheese measurements
32200313 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE STEEL T, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+80 °C, Cable fix / BNC, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
32200643 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE STEEL T DIN , range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+80 °C, Cable fix / DIN, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ Banana plug.
32200653 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE STEEL   (  S7  ) range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+80 °C,   KABLOSUZ  S7 CIKISLI  Peynir ölçümleri için idealdir.
32200303 pH electrode mod. 2 PORE K complete, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, S7 head, with knife
32200493 pH electrode mod. POLYMER PLAST, range pH  0…14,  temp. 0…+60 °C, S7 head
32200503 pH electrode mod. POLYMER PLAST BNC, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC
32200513 pH electrode mod. POLYMER PLAST DIN, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / DIN
50002002 pH electrode mod. 201T, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
50002052 pH electrode mod. 201T DIN, range pH  0…14, temp. 0…+60
°C, Cable fix / DIN, with temperature sensor NTC 30 KΩ single Banana plug (SENTIX 41 Muadili )
32200803 G 210 T pH electrode, plastic body, temperature sensor PT1000 integrated, fixed  cable BNC/banana 4 mm. Temp range 0…60 °C pH range 0 – 14
32105223 pH electrode ECO, double junction, double diaphragm, range pH 0… 14, temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC.

ORP Elektrodları

32200233 ORP electrode mod. STANDARD ORP, range mV  ± 2000 mV, temp. -10…+100 °C, S7 head, Platinum ring for ORP/Redox
32200483 ORP electrode mod. STANDARD Ag, range mV ± 2000 mV,
temp. -10…+80 °C, S7 head, Silver tip for argentometric titration
32200543 ORP electrode mod. FLOW Ag, with teflon diaphragm , range mV +/- 2000 mV, temp. 0…+80 °C S7 head . Silver tip for argentometric application
32200523 STANDARD KF, temp. 0°…+80 °C, S7 head, double platinum pin for KF and SO2 titrations
32200663 ORP electrode mod. Plast ORP, temp. 0° …. 80°, S7 head, Platinum pin for ORP/Redox
32200673 ORP electrode mod. Plast ORP BNC, range mV ± 1000 mV, temp. 0…
+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC, Platinum pin for ORP/Redox

İletkenlik Probları

50004062 Conductivity cell mod. VP 1, measuring range 10 μS…10 mS, temp. 0…+80 °C, Cable fix / BNC, cell constant C= 1. No temperature sensor.
50003352 Conductivity cell mod. VPT 1, measuring range 10 μS…10 mS, temp. 0…+80 °C, Cable fix / BNC, cell constant C= 1, with sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
50004012 Conductivity cell mod. VPT 01, measuring range 0,1 μS…1 mS, temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC, cell constant C= 0,1, with sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch, for ultrapure water
50004072 Conductivity cell mod. VPT 10, measuring range 100 μS…200 mS,  temp. 0…+80 °C, Cable fix / BNC, cell constant C= 10, with sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch, for sea water
50004002 Conductivity cell mod.  2301T, measuring range 10 μS…200 mS,  temp. 0…+60 °C, Cable fix / BNC, cell constant C= 1, with sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch
50003382 Conductivity cell mod. EPT 1, measuring range 10 μS…100 mS,             temp. 0…+80 °C, Cable fix / BNC, C= 1,  with sensor NTC 30 KΩ plug RCA Cinch, for difficult samples
50003362 Conductivity cell mod. EPT 4, measuring range  0.1 μS…1 S, temp. 0…+80 °C, Cable fix Multipin connector only for 80 PRO Series, cell constant C= 0.55
50003372 VPT 10 H Cell Glass-Pt  C=10+ATC range 100 to 500mS, cable lenght 1 mt BNC/Cinch

Bağlantı Kabloları

33551733 1 m cable S7 / BNC
33551743 1 m cable S7 / DIN

Elektrod Aksesuarları

33550533 Coaxial cable with antistatic sheat for electrodes, diameter
5mm   ( Dikkat Metre Fiyatı )
33412913 S7 Head – ONLY S7 head for 5mm cable
33412923 BNC – Only BNC plug for 5mm cable
33550903 DIN – Only DIN plug for 5mm cable
33550733 Cable assembled with S7 head – OPEN WIRES – Lenght 3m
33550663 Cable assembled with S7 head – OPEN WIRES – Lenght 5m
33550803 Cable assembled with S7 head – OPEN WIRES – Lenght 10m
33550673 Cable assembled with S7 head – BNC CONNECTOR – Lenght 1m
33550743 Cable assembled with S7 head – BNC CONNECTOR – Lenght
33550563 Cable assembled with S7 head – BNC CONNECTOR – Lenght
33550753 Cable assembled with S7 head – BNC CONNECTOR – Lenght 10m

Bakım Solusyonları

32208003 3M KCl XS Sensor Electrolyte solution, bottle 55ml
32208013 3M KCl XS Sensor Electrolyte solution, bottle 500ml
32208023 GLYCERIN-KCl XS Sensor Electrolyte solution, bottle 55 ml
32208033 KNO3 1M Electrolyte solution STANDARD Ag, bottle 55 ml
32208043 XS Sensor STORAGE Solution, bottle 55 ml
32208053 XS Sensor STORAGE Solution, bottle 500 ml
32208063 PROTEIN CLEANING Solution (pepsin) for XS Sensor 55 ml
32208093 PROTEIN CLEANING Solution (pepsin) for XS Sensor 250 ml
32208073 DIAPHRAGM CLEANING solution (thiourea)  55 ml
32208103 DIAPHRAGM CLEANING solution (thiourea) 250 ml
32208083 REGENERATION Solution 55 ml


S7 Head PG 13.5 uyumlu elektrodlar

32201021 Basic Pro  combined pH electrode, S8 head, 2 bar pressure resistant
32201101 Plastic Pro combined pH electrode, S7 screw head, 6 bar pressure resistant
32201111 Polymer Pro Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Glass body. Polymer filling with barrier.
32201011 Polymer HT Pro Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Glass body. Polymer filling.
32201051 Polymer HT Pro 225 Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Length 225
mm. Resists at pressure 6 bar at + 130 ° C
32201061 Polymer HA Pro Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Special membrane with low alkaline error. Can be sterilized. Withstands
pressure 6 bar at + 130 ° C.
32201001 Gel HT Pro Combined pH electrode, screw head S7. Glass body with 3 ceramic porous septums. Gel filling. Withstands a pressure of 16 bar at
25 °C
32201041 Gel HT Pro 225 Combined pH electrode, screw head S7.Length 225 mm. Glass body with 3 ceramic porous septums. Gel filling. Withstands a
pressure of 16 bar.
32201071 Polymer HF Pro Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Special
membrane resistant to HF.
32201121 Polymer PLUS Pro Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Polymer- specific filling and encapsulated reference system. Withstands pressure
of 6 bar at 130 ° C.
32201211 Polymer PLUS Pro 225 Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Length 225 mm. Polymer-specific filling and encapsulated reference system.
Withstands pressure of 6 bar at 130 ° C.
32201081 Pure Pro Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Length 225 mm. Rechargeable KCI 3M filling. For sample measurements with low
32201171 Pure Pro Gel Combined pH electrode, S7 screw head. Glass body. Gel filling without maintenance. For sample measurements with low
32201241 GEL BIOTECH Combined pH electrode, screw head S7. Glass body. Pre- cured gel filling for maintenance-free BIOTECH applications.
32201251 GEL BIOTECH 225

ORP Elektrodları
S7 Head PG 13.5 uyumlu

32201031 Basic ORP Platinum Glass electrode with gel filling. S7 screw head.
32201141 Plastic PRO ORP , polymer filling, ceramic diaphragms – temperature
32201131 Polymer ORP S7 screw head. Glass body. Polymer filling without maintenance. Open porous septum.
32201091 Gel HT ORP Screw head S7. glass body with 3 ceramic porous septa. Withstands a pressure of 16 bar.

Sıcaklık Problu VP elektrodlar

32201351 Polymer PLUS VP 120 Combined pH electrode, VP Multipin screw head. Complete with PT1000 sensor. Special polymer filling and encapsulated
reference system.
32201401 Polymer PLUS VP 120 Combined pH electrode, VP Multipin screw head. Complete with PT100 sensor. Special polymer filling and encapsulated
reference system.
32201361 Polymer Plus VP 225 Combined pH electrode, VP Multipin screw head. Complete with PT1000 sensor. Special polymer filling and encapsulated
reference system. Length 225mm.
32201301 Polymer HT VP 120 Combined pH electrode S7 screw head. Complete with PT100 sensor. Polymer filling. Withstands pressure of 6 bar at 130
° C.
32201311 Polymer HT VP 225 Combined pH electrode S7 screw head. Complete with PT100 sensor. Polymer filling. Withstands pressure of 6 bar at 130
° C. Length 225mm

Endüstri ilektenlik Probları

32390001 SPT1, Industrial Conductivity Cell in C = 1 graphite with Pt 100 and 8 m

Endüstri Elektodları

33550733 Length 3 m, without connector
33550743 Length 3 m, BNC plug
33550663 Length 5 m, without connector
33550563 Length 5 m, BNC plug
33550803 Length 10 m, without connector
33550753 Length 10 m, BNC plug
33550763 With TESTA S7 but without plug. Length 20 m,
33550773 With TESTA S7 BNC PLUG. Length 20 m,
33412913 HEAD S7, for 5 mm cable.
33550533 CABLE diam. 5 mm with antistatic sheath for electrodes. Price/meter
33551091 CABLE VP 6 of 3 mt., For electrodes with Pt 100 incorporated
33551101 CABLE VP 6 of 5 mt., For electrodes with Pt 100 incorporated
33551111 CABLE VP 6 of 10 mt., For electrodes with Pt 100 incorporated
33412923 BNC connector for 5 mm cable
33550903 DIN connector for 5 mm cable

NIST Sertifikalı pH Kalibrasyon Sıvıları Plastik Şişe 250 ml

51100033 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 4,01 ± 0,01 / 25°C red color
51100043 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 7,00 ± 0,01 / 25°C green color
51100053 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 9,00 ± 0,02 / 25°C blue color
51100073 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 9,21 ± 0,02 / 25°C blue color
51100063 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 10,01 ± 0,02 / 25°C colourless

NIST Sertifikalı pH Kalibrasyon Sıvıları Plastik Şişe 500 ml

51100133 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 4,01 ± 0,01 / 25°C  red color
51100143 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 7,00 ± 0,01 / 25°C green color
51100153 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 9,00 ± 0,02 / 25°C blue color
51100173 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 9,21 ± 0,02 / 25°C blue color
51100163 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 10,01 ± 0,02 / 25°C colourless

NIST Sertifikalı 5 lt lik POLITAINER Cubibox Ambalajlı

51100233 5Lt XS buffer solution pH 4,01 ± 0,01 / 25°C red color with N.I.S.T certificate
51100243 5Lt XS buffer solution pH 7,00  ± 0,01 / 25°C green color with N.I.S.T certificate
51100253 5Lt XS buffer solution pH 9,00  ± 0,02 / 25°C blue color with N.I.S.T certificate
51100273 5Lt XS buffer solution pH 9,21  ± 0,02 / 25°C blue color with N.I.S.T certificate
51100263 5Lt XS buffer solution pH 10,01  ± 0,02 / 25°C colourless with N.I.S.T certificate

NIST Sertifikalı İletkenlik Kalibrasyon Sıvıları

51100503 300 ml XS Conductivity Standard 1,3 µS/cm ± 0,1 / 25°C glass bottle
51100513 300 ml XS Conductivity Standard 5 µS/cm ± 0,1 / 25°C glass bottle
51100613 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 84 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C
51100623 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 147 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C
51100633 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 1413 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C
51100643 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 12’880 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C

Redox standards

51100303 250 ml XS Redox/ORP 200 mV ± 5mV / 25°C  (dark bottle)
51100313 250 ml XS Redox/ORP 475 mV ± 5mV / 25°C
51100323 500 ml XS Redox/ORP 475 mV ± 5mV / 25°C
51100333 5Lt   XS Redox/ORP 650 mV ± 5mV / 25°C (Politainer Cubibox)

Buffer Solusyonları N.I.S.T. Sertifikalı Poşet Ambalajlı

51102013 20 SACHET 25ml pH 4,01 ± 0,01 / 25°C (red)
51102023 20 SACHET 25ml pH 7,00 ± 0,01 / 25°C (green)
51102043 20 SACHET 25ml pH 10,01 ± 0,02 / 25°C (yellow)
51102053 20 SACHET 25ml EC 1413 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C,
51102063 20 SACHET 25ml EC 12880 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C
51102083 20 SACHET 10ml STORAGE Solution for pH/ORP sensor
51102203 Set CAL pH BIS 1×20 SACHET 25ml (10 x pH 4.01/7.00)
51102213 Set CAL pH TRIS 1×20 SACHET 25ml (7 x pH 4.01/7.00 + 6 x pH 10.01)
51102223 Set CAL COND 1×20 SACHET 25ml (10 x EC 1413/12880 µS/cm)
51102233 Set CAL PC 1×20 SACHET 25ml (7 x pH 4.01/7.00 + 6 x EC 1413 µS/cm )
51102243 Set REFILL pack for pH 1×20 SACHET 25ml (6 x pH 4.01/7.01/H2O + 2 x Storage 10ml)
51102253 Set REFILL pack for COND 1×20 SACHET 25ml (7 x EC 1413/12880 µS/cm + 6 x H2O)
51102263 Set REFILL pack for PC 1×20 SACHET 25ml (5 x pH 4.01/7.01/EC 1413 µS/cm + 3 x H2O + 2 x Storage 10ml)

pH Kalibrasyon Solusyonları Alman DAKKS/DKD Sertifikalı

Plastik Şişe 250 ml

51300003 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 4,01 ± 0,01 / 25°C red color DAKKS
51300013 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 7,00 ± 0,01 / 25°C green color DAKKS
51300023 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 9,21 ± 0,02 / 25°C blue color DAKKS
51300033 250 ml XS buffer solution pH 10,01 ± 0,02 / 25°C yellow DAKKS Sertifikalı

Plastik Şişe 500 ml

51300103 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 4,01 ± 0,01 / 25°C red DAKKS sertifikalı
51300113 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 7,00 ± 0,01 / 25°C green DAKKS Sertifikalı
51300123 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 9,21 ± 0,02 / 25°C blue DAKKS Sertifikalı
51300133 500 ml XS buffer solution pH 10,01 ± 0,02 / 25°C yellow DAKKS Sertifikalı

İletkenlik Standard Solusyonları Cam Şişeli Alman DFM Sertifikalı

51300303 300 ml XS Conductivity Standard 1,3 µS/cm ± 0,1 / 25°C Cam Şişede DFM
51300313 300 ml XS Conductivity Standard 5 µS/cm ± 0,1 / 25°C Cam Şişede DFM
51300323 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 84 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C DFM Plastik şişede Sertifikalı
51300333 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 147 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C DFM Plastik
şişede Sertifikalı
51300343 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 1413 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C DFM Plastik
şişede Sertifikalı
51300353 500 ml XS Conductivity Standard 12’880 µS/cm ± 1% / 25°C DFM Plastik
şişede Sertifikalı



Portatif Termometre Probları

PT 100 probes for Temp 7 RTD – Temp 70 RTD

51000202 PT56L, for measurements in liquids, mm 200×3
51000212 PT56C, for contact measurements, mm 200×5
51000222 PT56P, for penetration measurements, mm150x4
51000232 PT56A, for measurement in air, mm200x4
51000242 PT56L 1/5 DIN, for measurements in liquids, mm 200×3
51000252 PT56 TFE, teflon cable ideal for oven and freezer, mm 100×4
51000262 PT56/500, for measurements in liquids, mm 500×6
51000272 PT56/1000, for measurements in liquids, mm 1000×6

NTC 30K probes for Temp 7 NTC

50011142 NT7L, for measurements in liquids/air, mm 200×3
50011122 NT7P, for penetration measurements, mm 150×4

Thermocouple K probes forTemp 7 K/T

51000752 3K220, for measurements in liquids/air, mm 200×2
51000762 3K320, mm 200×3
51000772 3K350, mm 500×3
51000782 3K6100, mineral oxide folding probe, mm 1000×6
51000792 3K650, mineral oxide folding probe, mm 500×6
51000822 3K6120, mineral oxide folding probe, mm 1200×6
51000832 3K415P, for penetration measurements, mm150x4
51000802 3K520C, for contact measurements , mm200x5
51000812 3K1200, wire manipulable probe, mm 2000×2

Thermocouple T probes forTemp 7 K/T suggested for Food and Pharmaceutic

51000902 3T320, for measurements in liquids/air, mm 200×3
51000912 3T415, for penetration measurements, mm150x4
51000942 3T215, for penetration measurements, mm150x2
51000922 3T520C, for contact measurements , mm200x5
51000932 3T420A, for measurement in air, mm200x4
51000952 3T210, ideal for oven and freezer, mm 100×2,5
Listede olmayan ürünleri sorunuz.